
August 07, 2012

The end is nigh

I go back to Abu Dhabi in a few days. I feel like I still need to squeeze in so many things. One last time with one last friend. There are some people that I just didn't have time to see for a proper hang out and they probably hate me. I also recognize that I need to do a better job of keeping in contact with people while I'm gone.

I also need to just cut some friends off the list.... is that mean?


But maybe I'm at that age where it's important to just have the close ones. There are some friendships that I think I just maintain out of guilt. Because I know they need me in some manner and even though I don't particularly feel close to them anymore, I feel an obligation to still be there if they ask me to be. I'm an utter failure at saying no to attention from people, even if I would rather just stay in the apartment and play Civilization all day.

1 comment:

  1. I think that I lost a lot of friendships that didn't mean much the second I graduated high school. It wasn't malicious or purposeful, it was just natural and right. So if there are "friends" that you don't really want to talk to anymore, perhaps just not making any special effort to talk will do the trick.
