
April 14, 2012

Remind me to work on that

Tomorrow is Sunday, which is our Monday here, which means that today is that dreadful time at the end of the weekend when all that lies ahead is five days of work.

Yesterday my friend was playing that game where you ask questions along the lines of "who would you pick if you had to be stranded on a desert island for a year?" I talked about this guy I had an absurd crush on for all four years of university. She also asked what our biggest wishes in life were. I said, without hesitation, "To be rich." And when she asked what age we all wanted to be married at, I rolled my eyes and said with sarcasm, "25." Because when my best friend and I made plans for our lives, at the mature age of 18, that's what I had decided.

In 8 weeks, I turn 25. I don't actually plan to marry next year, but I do strongly associate the age of 25 with maturity. That is the year I feel that I need to stop messing around with my life. My things should be in order and I should feel prepared to handle all sorts of situations. 25 is the time I should really start to achieve my goals!

Unfortunately, my goals have never been hazier...


  1. I also haven't a clue why people think that 25 is a mature age. Apparently, it's also when the insurance companies think we all become less dangerous drivers too. A 29-30 year old grad student I know says that between the ages of 26-29, all of his friends got married, and he has gone to 2-3 weddings these past few years.

  2. I hated my 25th birthday. I think it's overrated, possibly because of the quarter century mark. I didn't feel one bit more mature compared to the rest of my life (when I turned 25), heck I still feel like I'm 16, though perhaps with a dash more responsibility...

    When I think back on that year, it must've been one of the more miserable ones of my life. My 26th year was by far my favorite, so far. And no, I didn't get married or even entertained any thought of it. :P
